Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how we, Morrison Water Services Limited, obtain, store and use your information when you use or interact with our website, (our website), or where we otherwise obtain or collect your information. The effective date of this Privacy Policy is 05/08/2020.

  • Summary
  • Our details
  • How we collect or obtain information about you
  • How we use your information
  • How long we retain your information
  • How we secure your information
  • Transfers of your information to other countries and safeguards used
  • Your rights in relation to your information
  • Your right to object to the processing of your information for certain purposes
  • Consequences of not providing your information to us
  • Sensitive Personal Information
  • Changes to our Privacy Policy
  • Children’s Privacy
  • California Do Not Track Disclosures
  • Copyright, credit and logo

This section summarises how we obtain, store and use information about you. It is intended to provide a very general overview only. It is not complete in and of itself and it must be read in conjunction with the corresponding full sections of this Privacy Policy.

  • Data controller: Morrison Water Services Limited.
  • How we collect or obtain information about you:
    • when you provide it to us (e.g. by contacting us, or by engaging our professional services),
    • from your use of our website, using cookies and similar technologies, and
    • occasionally from third parties.
  • Information we collect: name, contact details, payment information e.g. your credit or debit card details, IP address, information from cookies, information about your computer or device (e.g. device and browser type), job title, information about the services you request from us, information about how you use our website (e.g. which pages you have viewed, the time when you view them and what you clicked on, the geographical location from which you accessed our website (based on your IP address), company name or business name (if applicable), and VAT number (if applicable).
  • How we use your information: for administrative and business purposes (particularly to contact you and provide you with any services you order), to improve our business and website, to fulfil our contractual obligations, to advertise our goods and services, to analyse your use of our website, and in connection with our legal rights and obligations.
  • Disclosure of your information to third parties: only to the extent necessary to run our business, to our service providers, to fulfil any contracts we enter into with you, or where required by law or to enforce our legal rights.
  • Do we sell your information to third parties (other than in the course of a business sale or purchase or similar event): No
  • How long we retain your information: for no longer than necessary, taking into account any legal obligations we have (e.g. to maintain records for tax purposes), any other legal basis we have for using your information (e.g. your consent, performance of a contract with you or our legitimate interests as a business). For specific retention periods in relation to certain information which we collect from you, please see the main section below entitled How long we retain your information.
  • How we secure your information: using appropriate technical and organisational measures such as storing your information on secure servers, encrypting transfers of data to or from our servers using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, and only granting access to your information where necessary.
  • Use of cookies: we use cookies on our website including essential, functional and analytical cookies. For more information, please visit our cookies policy here:
  • Transfers of your information outside the European Economic Area: we transfer your information outside of the European Economic Area, including to the following countries: the United States of America. Where we do so, we will ensure appropriate safeguards are in place including the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.
  • Use of automated decision making and profiling: we use automated decision and profiling through our use of web analytics, cookies and server logs analysis tools (profiling).
  • Your rights in relation to your information
    • to access your information and to receive information about its use
    • to have your information corrected and/or completed
    • to have your information deleted
    • to restrict the use of your information
    • to receive your information in a portable format
    • to object to the use of your information
    • to withdraw your consent to the use of your information
    • to complain to a supervisory authority
  • Sensitive information: we do not knowingly or intentionally collect what is commonly referred to as ‘sensitive information’. Please do not submit sensitive information about you to us. For more information, please see the main section below entitled Sensitive Information.
Our details

The data controller in respect of our website is Morrison Water Services Limited, (company registration number: 04530602 of Abel Smith House, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, SG1 2ST. The data controller is the person which determines the purposes and means of processing your informationYou can contact the data controller by writing to Abel Smith House, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, SG1 2ST or sending an email to

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact the data controller.

How we collect or obtain information about you

Information collected from you

We collect information about you when you provide it to us, such as through your use of our website and its features, when you contact us directly by email, phone, in writing, or via social media, when you order goods and services, when you use any of our other websites or applications or any other means by which you provide information to us. The type of information we collect about you includes information such as:

  • your name;
  • your email address;
  • your address;
  • your phone number;
  • your payment information (e.g. your credit or debit card details);
  • your IP address;
  • your job title;
  • information about your device (e.g. device and browser type);
  • information about how you use our website (e.g. which pages you have viewed, the time you viewed them and what you clicked on);
  • cookies and similar technologies; and
  • information about your mobile device (such as your geographical location);

Our use of cookies and similar technologies

Cookies are data files which are sent from a website to a browser to record information about users of a website.

We use cookies and similar technologies on or via our website. For further information on how we use cookies and similar technologies, including the information we collect through our use of cookies and similar technologies, please see our cookies policy, which is available via the following link:

You can reject some or all of the cookies we use on or via our website by changing your browser settings, but doing so may impair your ability to use our website or some or all of its features. For further information about cookies, including how to change your browser settings, please visit

We use Google Analytics on our website to understand how you engage and interact with it. For information on how Google Analytics collects and processes data using cookies, please visit You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking by visiting:

Information received about you from third parties

Generally, we do not receive information about you from third parties. The third parties from which we receive information about you will generally include group companies, affiliates or business partners of yours or your clients when you engage our services on their behalf.

It is also possible that third parties with whom we have had no prior contact may provide us with information about you.

Information we obtain from third parties will generally be your name and contact details, but will include any additional information about you which they provide to us.

Legal bases for processing

Where a third party has passed on information about you to us (such as your name and email address) in order for us to provide services to you, we will process your information in order to take steps at your request to enter into a contract with you and perform a contract with you (as the case may be).

Where you have asked that a third party to share information about you with us and the purpose of sharing that information is not related to the performance of a contract or services by us to you, we will process your information on the basis of your consent, which you give by asking the third party in question to pass on your information to us.

Where a third party has shared information about you with us and you have not consented to the sharing of that information, we will have a legitimate interest in processing that information in certain circumstances. For example, we would have a legitimate interest in processing your information to perform our obligations under a sub-contract with the third party, where the third party has the main contract with you. Our legitimate interest is the performance of our obligations under our sub-contract. Similarly, third parties may pass on information about you to us if you have infringed or potentially infringed any of our legal rights. In this case, we will have a legitimate interest in processing that information to investigate and pursue any such potential infringement.

Information obtained by us from third parties

In certain circumstances (for example, to verify the information we hold about you or obtain missing information we require to provide you with a service) we will obtain information about you from certain publicly accessible sources, both EU and non-EU, such as Companies House, online customer databases, business directories, media publications, social media, and websites (including your own website if you have one).

Legal bases for processing

Where you have entered into a contract or requested that we enter into a contract with you, in certain circumstances, we will obtain information about you from public sources in order to enable us to understand your business and provide services to you or services to a sufficient standard. For example, we would obtain and/or verify your email address from your website or from a directory where you ask us to send you information by email but we do not possess the information or we need to confirm that we have recorded your email address correctly.

In certain circumstances, we will have a legitimate interest in obtaining information about you from public and private sources. For example, if you have infringed or we suspect that you have infringed any of our legal rights, we will have a legitimate interest in obtaining and processing information about you from such sources in order to investigate and pursue any suspected or potential infringement. We may also obtain data brokers to market to you under our legitimate interest of direct marketing.

How we use your information

We will use your information for one or more of the following purposes. The legal basis on which we use your information is set out and explained after each purpose:

Administrative and business purposes

  • Improving our website and business, including personalising our website and services for you and other customers. This is necessary for our legitimate interest of better understanding our other customers’ and potential customers’ preferences and tailoring our website, products and services to their needs, preferences and desires.
  • Communicating directly with you with information, updates and changes to our website and in response to enquiries we receive from you. This is necessary for our legitimate interests of informing you about changes to our business, website and privacy policy and responding to enquiries we receive from you.
  • Protecting our business and our business interests, including for the purposes of credit and background checks, fraud and website misuse prevention and debt recovery. This is necessary for our legitimate interests of preventing criminal activity such as fraud or money laundering, for ensuring that our website and services are not misused. Where we carry out credit and background checks, we will only carry out such checks to the extent that we are permitted or authorised by law to do so and to the minimum extent necessary.
  • Communicating with our business advisors and legal representatives. This is necessary for our legitimate interests of obtaining legal or professional business advice. In such circumstances, we will only share your information where it is necessary to do so, to the minimum extent necessary, subject to appropriate confidentiality restrictions and on an anonymised basis wherever possible.
  • Within our corporate group from time to time for internal administrative purposes, including client, customer and employee information. This will be necessary for our legitimate interest of running and managing our business. Where you have purchased goods or services from us or asked us to take certain actions to enter into a contract with you, this will be necessary for us to perform a contract with you or take steps at your request to do so.
  • Sharing your information with third parties which are either related to or associated with the running of our business (including to third parties within our corporate group from time to time) such as our business partners, insurers, affiliates, associates, suppliers, independent contractors, email providers IT and web development service providers. We will share your information with these there parties where it is necessary for our legitimate interest of running and managing our business effectively, fulfilling our contractual obligations (e.g. to our insurers) or for our own direct marketing purposes. Where you purchase goods or services from us or request that we take steps to do so, we may also need to share your information with such third parties in order to perform a contract which we have entered into with you or to take steps, at your request, to enter into a contract with you. Where we share your information with such third parties, we will do so strictly on a need-to-know basis, subject to appropriate confidentiality restrictions, on an anonymised basis as far as possible and only to the extent strictly necessary for any of these purposes.
  • Ensuring physical, network and information security and integrity. This is necessary for our legitimate interest of ensuring that our IT systems and networks are secure and uncompromised, including, for example, preventing malware, viruses, bugs or other harmful code, preventing unauthorised access to our systems, and any form of attack on, or damage to, our IT systems and networks.
  • In connection with disclosure requests and in the case of a business or share sale or sale or purchase of a business and/or assets, whether actual or potential. This is necessary for our legitimate interests of selling and/or ensuring and promoting the success of our business. Where we share your information with a prospective purchaser or seller, we will do so on a strictly need-to-know basis, subject to appropriate confidentiality restrictions, on an anonymised basis as far as possible and only to the extent strictly necessary for any of these purposes.
  • To send you marketing communications. This is necessary for our legitimate interest of direct marketing and promoting our business. Where we are required by law to obtain your consent to market to you, however, the legal basis on which we process your information will be your consent rather than our legitimate interests.

Advertising and analytical purposes

  • Providing statistical information to third parties such as Google AnalyticsThis is necessary for our and third parties’ legitimate interests of processing information for research purposes, including market research, better understanding our respective customers, and tailoring our respective products and services to their needs.
  • Displaying advertisements to you and analysing the information we receive in relation to those advertisements. This is necessary for our own and for third parties’ legitimate interests in direct marketing and advertising our and their products and services respectively, and for market research purposes.

Legal and enforcement of legal rights

  • Enforcing our legal rights. This is necessary for our legitimate interest of protecting our business and enforcing our contractual and other legal rights.
  • Indicating possible criminal acts or threats to public security to a competent authority. This is necessary for our legitimate interest of promoting the success of our business, preventing crime, for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, in the general public interest or for the legitimate interests of governmental bodies and competent authorities that prevent crime.
  • In connection with any legal or potential legal dispute or proceedings. This is necessary for our legitimate interest of promoting and ensuring the success of our business, resolving disputes and making such disclosures as are required by law or which we consider, acting reasonably, are required by law.
  • Complying with laws, regulations and other legal requirements. We may need to use and process your information in order to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject. For example, we may require your information pursuant to a statutory obligation to conduct anti-money-laundering checks or to disclose your information to a court following receipt of a court order or subpoena. We may also need your information to comply with ongoing legal obligations, such as tax laws and regulations to which we are subject (where you have placed an order for goods or services with us for example).

The processing of your information to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject applies to legal obligations of other countries where they have been integrated into the legal framework of the United Kingdom, for example in the form of an international agreement which the United Kingdom has signed. Where the legal obligations of another country have not been so integrated, we will process your information to comply with such obligations where it is in our legitimate interest to do so.

Use of your information only where we have your consent

Where we process your information on the basis of your consent, you can withdraw your consent to such processing at any time by emailing us at or writing to us at Abel Smith House, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, SG1 2ST.

How long we retain your information

This section sets out how long we retain your information. We have set out specific retention periods where possible. Where that has not been possible, we have set out the criteria we use to determine the retention period.

Retention periods

Server log information: we retain information on our server logs for [insert period for which you retain information from server logs.]

Order information: when you place an order for goods and services, we retain that information for six years following the end of the financial year in which you placed your order, in accordance with our legal obligation to keep records for tax purposes.

Correspondence and enquiries: when you make an enquiry or correspond with us for any reason, whether by email or via our contact form, we will retain your information for as long as it takes to respond to and resolve your enquiry, and for twelve further month(s) after which point we will delete your information.

Criteria for determining retention periods

In any other circumstances, we will retain your information for no longer than necessary, taking into account the following:

  • the purpose(s) and use of your information both now and in the future (such as whether it is necessary to continue to store that information in order to continue to perform our obligations under a contract with you or to contact you in the future);
  • whether we have any legal obligation to continue to process your information (such as any record-keeping obligations imposed by relevant law or regulation);
  • whether we have any legal basis to continue to process your information (such as your consent);
  • how valuable your information is (both now and in the future);
  • any relevant agreed industry practices on how long information should be retained;
  • the levels of risk, cost and liability involved with us continuing to hold the information;
  • how hard it is to ensure that the information can be kept up to date and accurate; and

any relevant surrounding circumstances (such as the nature and status of our relationship with you).

How we secure your information

We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your information and to protect it against unauthorised or unlawful use and accidental loss or destruction, including:

  • only sharing and providing access to your information to the minimum extent necessary, subject to confidentiality restrictions where appropriate, and on an anonymised basis wherever possible;
  • using secure servers to store your information;
  • verifying the identity of any individual who requests access to information prior to granting them access to information;
  • using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software to encrypt any information you submit to us via any forms on our website; and
  • only transferring your information via closed system or encrypted data transfers;
Transmission of information to us by email

Transmission of information over the internet is not entirely secure, and if you submit any information to us over the internet (whether by email, via our website or any other means), you do so entirely at your own risk.

We cannot be responsible for any costs, expenses, loss of profits, harm to reputation, damages, liabilities or any other form of loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your decision to transmit information to us by such means.

Transfers of your information to other countries and safeguards used

We may need to transfer your information outside of the country in which we collected or obtained it, including outside the European Economic Area or to an international organisation from time to time. Where we transfer your information outside the European Economic Area, the country to which it is transferred will either be subject to an adequacy decision by the European Commission, or if not (or if we transfer your information to an international organisation), we will ensure that the transfer takes place on the basis of one or more of the following safeguards:

  • data protection policies adhered to by the data controller and other companies and entities within our corporate group from time to time, which comply with applicable laws, known as “binding corporate rules” or “BCRs”;
  • standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission or adopted by the Information Commissioner’s Office and approved by the European Commission in accordance with relevant law;
  • a code or codes of conduct produced by an association or other body approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office;
  • an approved certification mechanism (such as the EU-US Privacy Shield); or
  • where authorised by the Information Commissioner’s Office, contractual clauses between the data controller or processor and the data controller, processor or recipient of the information in the third country or international organisation.

You can access these safeguards at, emailing  or writing to Abel Smith House, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, SG1 2ST.

Your rights in relation to your information

Subject to certain limitations on certain rights, you have the following rights in relation to your information, which you can exercise by writing to Abel Smith House, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, SG1 2ST or sending an email to

  • to request access to your information and information related to our use and processing of your information;
  • to request the correction or deletion of your information;
  • to request that we restrict our use of your information;
  • to receive information which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (e.g. a CSV file) and the right to have that information transferred to another data controller (including a third party data controller);
  • to object to the processing of your information for certain purposes (for further information, see the section below entitled Your right to object to the processing of your information for certain purposes); and
  • to withdraw your consent to our use of your information at any time where we rely on your consent to use or process that information. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of our use and processing of your information on the basis of your consent before the point in time when you withdraw your consent.
  • the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling which produces legal affects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.
  • the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or of an alleged infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation.

For the purposes of the UK, the supervisory authority is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the contact details of which are available here: for the ICO.

Further information on your rights in relation to your personal data as an individual

The above rights are provided in summary form only and certain limitations apply to many of these rights. For further information about your rights in relation to your information, including any limitations which apply, please visit the following pages on the ICO’s website:

You can also find out further information about your rights, as well as information on any limitations which apply to those rights, by reading the underlying legislation contained in Articles 12 to 22 and 34 of the General Data Protection Regulation, which is available here:

Verifying your identity where you request access to your information

Where you request access to your information, we are required by law to use all reasonable measures to verify your identity before doing so.

These measures are designed to protect your information and to reduce the risk of identity fraud, identity theft or general unauthorised access to your information.

How we verify your identity

Where we possess appropriate information about you on file, we will attempt to verify your identity using that information.

If it is not possible to identity you from such information, or if we have insufficient information about you, we may require original or certified copies of certain documentation in order to be able to verify your identity before we are able to provide you with access to your information.

We will be able to confirm the precise information we require to verify your identity in your specific circumstances if and when you make such a request.

Your right to object to the processing of your information for certain purposes

You have the following rights in relation to your information, which you may exercise in the same way as you may exercise by writing to Abel Smith House, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, SG1 2ST or sending an email to

  • to object to us using or processing your information where we use or process it in order to carry out a task in the public interest or for our legitimate interests, including ‘profiling’ (i.e. analysing or predicting your behaviour based on your information) based on any of these purposes; and
  • to object to us using or processing your information for direct marketing purposes (including any profiling we engage in that is related to such direct marketing).

You may also exercise your right to object to us using or processing your information for direct marketing purposes by:

  • clicking the unsubscribe link contained at the bottom of any marketing email we send to you and following the instructions which appear in your browser following your clicking on that link;
  • sending an email to, asking that we stop sending you marketing communications or by including the words “OPT OUT”.

For more information on how to object to our use of information collected from cookies and similar technologies, please see the section entitled How to accept or reject cookies in our cookies policy, which is available here:

Consequences of not providing your information to us

Where you wish to purchase products or services from us, we require your information in order to enter into a contract with you. We may also require your information pursuant to a statutory obligation (in order to be able to send you an invoice for products and services you wish to order from us, for example).

If you do not provide your information, we will not be able to enter into a contract with you or to provide you with those products or services.

Sensitive Personal Information

‘Sensitive personal information’ is information about an individual that reveals their racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, information concerning health or information concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

We do not knowingly or intentionally collect sensitive personal information from individuals, and you must not submit sensitive personal information to us.

If, however, you inadvertently or intentionally transmit sensitive personal information to us, you will be considered to have explicitly consented to us processing that sensitive personal information under Article 9(2)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. We will use and process your sensitive personal information for the purposes of deleting it.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We update and amend our Privacy Policy from time to time.

Minor changes to our Privacy Policy

Where we make minor changes to our Privacy Policy, we will update our Privacy Policy with a new effective date stated at the beginning of it. Our processing of your information will be governed by the practices set out in that new version of the Privacy Policy from its effective date onwards.

Major changes to our Privacy Policy or the purposes for which we process your information

Where we make major changes to our Privacy Policy or intend to use your information for a new purpose or a different purpose than the purposes for which we originally collected it, we will notify you by email (where possible) or by posting a notice on our website.

We will provide you with the information about the change in question and the purpose and any other relevant information before we use your information for that new purpose.

Wherever required, we will obtain your prior consent before using your information for a purpose that is different from the purposes for which we originally collected it.

Children’s Privacy

Because we care about the safety and privacy of children online, we comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). COPPA and its accompanying regulations protect the privacy of children using the internet. We do not knowingly contact or collect information from persons under the age of 18. The website is not intended to solicit information of any kind from persons under the age of 18.

It is possible that we could receive information pertaining to persons under the age of 18 by the fraud or deception of a third party. If we are notified of this, as soon as we verify the information, we will, where required by law to do so, immediately obtain the appropriate parental consent to use that information or, if we are unable to obtain such parental consent, we will delete the information from our servers. If you would like to notify us of our receipt of information about persons under the age of 18, please do so by sending an email to

California Do Not Track Disclosures

“Do Not Track” is a privacy preference that users can set in their web browsers. When a user turns on a Do Not Track signal in their browser, the browser sends a message to websites requesting that they do not track the user. For information about Do Not Track, please visit

At this time, we do not respond to Do Not Track browser settings or signals.

Copyright, credit and logo

This Privacy Policy is based on a General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/769) (GDPR) compliant template provided by GDPR Privacy Policy. For further information, please visit

The copyright in this Privacy Policy is either owned by, or licensed to, us and is protected by copyright laws around the world and copyright protection software. All intellectual property rights in this document are reserved.

Where we display the GDPR Privacy Policy logo on our website, this is used to indicate that we have adopted a privacy policy template provided by GDPR Privacy Policy as the basis for this Privacy Policy.

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M Group Services Water Division sponsors EUSR Award

M Group Services Water Division is thrilled to announce that we will be sponsoring the...

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Morrison Water Services cuts carbon while delivering clean water in Yorkshire

Morrison Water Services has been working to improve the delivery of clean water to the...

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We win at Yorkshire Water’s Women in Engineering awards.

We are delighted to announce that Morrison Water Services (MWS) has been honoured at Yorkshire...

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Morrison Water Services apprentices help to restore Salford Quays

At Morrison Water Services, we are incredibly proud of our apprentices, who have given back...

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Brave jetting operatives help tackle fire during serious incident

We’d like to show appreciation for two of our people, Perry Mitchell and Harry Jones,...

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Safety, sustainability and client delivery are key for new M Group Services Water Division Managing Director, Iain Sutherland

The newly appointed Managing Director for M Group Services’ Water Division is committed to ensuring...

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Morrison Water Services has launched its ‘School of Metering.’

The Morrison Water Services’ Smart Metering team has worked to create an Energy & Utility...

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Supporting new colleagues and the community through our Apprenticeship Development Scheme

At Morrison Water Services, we’re committed to creating opportunities to develop and retain the next...

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M Group Services’ Water Division achieves key milestone on McDonald Road project

At M Group Services, we celebrate collaboration between our operating businesses. Recently, our Water Division...

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Morrison Water Services improves safety on site with HAUC App

Morrison Water Services is proud to have worked with the Highways Authorities & Utilities Committee...

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PMP Utilities and Morrison Water Services works to mitigate against leakage in Hackney

We proudly celebrate collaboration across M Group Services. Recently, two of our Water Division businesses...

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We help Yorkshire Water deliver Water Services Partnership Framework in West Yorkshire

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services, has been awarded an expansion of...

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Celebrating M Group Services people who have gone above and beyond

M Group Services, a leading provider of services to essential infrastructure markets in the UK...

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Morrison Water Services reduces the risk of future pipe bursts in Hackney

As part of its ongoing work to strengthen three strategic trunk main water pipes in...

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Morrison Water Services commits to Social Recruitment Advocacy Group Charter

Morrison Water Services (MWS) is proud to announce that it has achieved gold status for...

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MWS and Yorkshire Water celebrate 25 years of working together

This year, Morrison Water Services celebrates a major milestone in our longstanding partnership with Yorkshire...

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Water Division continues commitments towards ESG

This week, M Group Services’ Water Division came together to host its Environmental, Social and...

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Morrison Water Services shortlisted for Techfest Award

Huge congratulations to Morrison Water Services, part of M Group Services Water Division, who alongside...

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Safe Dig AI

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services’ Water Division, is rolling out an...

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Inspiring the next generation of STEM specialists

Morrison Water Services (MWS) was delighted to recently take part in inspiring the next generation...

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We proudly celebrate collaboration across M Group Services. Recently, two of our Water Division businesses...

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Andy Carter sparks interest in leaders of the future

We always love hearing about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) visits taking place across...

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Jamie Tharme helps member of the public during serious incident

Jamie Tharme, Barrier Person on Morrison Water Services’ Dwr Cymru Welsh Water contract, helped a...

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Eight reasons why we are among the best of the best

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services’ Water Division, is proud to announce...

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Dogs take the lead on leakage detection

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services' Water Division, has been working in...

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Our Morrison Water Services’ Yorkshire Water team go back to school.

The team swapped the work site and office, for the playground recently when they went...

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Investing in the next generation

Our award-winning M Group Services Apprenticeship Development Scheme (ADS) is continuing to inspire and develop...

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Institute of Water

  One of the hottest and driest summers on record for the UK has been a...

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Celebrating M Group Services people who have gone Beyond Expectations

ESG | Celebrating M Group Services people who have gone Beyond Expectations. M Group Services, a...

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Inspiring the next generation of water industry specialists

Ben Harrison, Programme Manager on Morrison Water Services’ Thames Water Smart Metering contract, recently attended...

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Morrison Water Services proves its safer, smarter, greener fleet credentials

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services’ Water Division, has successfully demonstrated its...

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15 shortlisted entries in the Street Works Awards

We’re delighted to announce an impressive 15 shortlisted entries to the Street Works Awards 2022,...

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Crimp Tool innovation eliminates risk of leaks from internal smart meter installations

An innovation that has eliminated the risk of leaks for Morrison Water Services (MWS) installers...

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Students get valuable learning opportunity during investment in Oban’s water network

A major investment in the water network for Oban, Argyll and Bute has been completed...

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Black History Month - Time for Change: Action Not Words

This October is Black History Month, a time for reflection and positive changes for the...

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United Utilities and Morrison Water Services’ Garden Restoration

An overgrown plot of land near a Liverpool primary school has become a productive fruit...

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Morrison Water Services helping South West Water reduce leakage

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services’ Water Division, has secured a new...

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Helping Leila back into work

This week is National Inclusion Week and at M Group Services, we are committed to...

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The Women's and REACH Network celebrates its first year.

In celebration of National Inclusion Week 2022, the M Group Services Water Division are holding...

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Presenting our Scottish annual senior leadership conference

Today we are here at the annual senior leadership conference for the M Group Services...

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Morrison Water Services will be attending the Drinking Water Quality Conference

Morrison Water Services is attending the Drinking Water Quality Conference on Wednesday 5 October at...

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We held our biggest apprentice and graduate induction

Our biggest apprentice and graduate induction has concluded here at the Doubletree Hilton, Manchester with...

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Yorkshire Water and Morrison Water Services achieve first drinking water main spray lining in AMP7

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services’ Water Division, is working in partnership...

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Raft race success raises £1,450 for Water Aid

Two teams from Morrison Water Services have raised £1,450 for one of our approved charities,...

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Trainees get a taste of life in a metering dig team

Five trainees on our Morrison Water Services Thames Water contract recently had the opportunity to...

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The Pipeline Industries Guild has awarded the ‘Utility Pipeline Project Award 2022’ to Morrison Water Services, Die Draw Ltd, Agility Alliance and Thames Water

The Pipeline Industries Guild has awarded the ‘Utility Pipeline Project Award 2022’ to Morrison Water...

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Congratulations Nicola Grimes

Nicola Grimes, Head of Technical Services at Morrison Water Services, has earned her Master of...

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Morrison Water Services to help Thames Water tackle pollution, flooding and blockages

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services’ Water Division, has secured a place...

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Morrison Water Services update roadshows are a hit

This month, Morrison Water Services has hosted five Water Roadshows and they have been a...

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We cycled 80 miles for Water Aid!

Morrison Water Services were proud sponsors of this year’s Water Cycle challenge, hosted by Yorkshire...

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Leakage reduces thanks to sprint led by Morrison Water Services at Northumbrian Water Innovation Festival.

A ground-breaking solution to tackling the challenges of water scarcity and demand identified by Morrison...

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Morrison Water Services is the main sponsor of this year’s Water Cycle challenge hosted by Yorkshire Water.

Morrison Water Services is the main sponsor of this year’s Water Cycle challenge hosted by...

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Morrison Water Services win health and safety award for using AI to improve on-site safety

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services’ Water Division, has won the Operational...

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Interactive community engagement app increases customer engagement

When D?r Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) needed to explain to the communities of Port Talbot...

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Understanding the difficulties with sight loss

Yorkshire Water and Morrison Water Services (MWS) recently introduced a new course aimed at helping...

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Morrison Water Services (MWS) and its use of the digital platform FYLD

Morrison Water Services (MWS) and its use of the digital platform FYLD has once again...

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Our Pilgrimage for Charity

Adam Meacham, Divisional SHEQ Support Manager, Water Division, and Simon Michie, Quality and Environmental Manager...

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Morrison Water Services deliver STEM lessons

Andy Carter, Business Services Director of M Group Services’ Water Division, recently visited Ickleford Primary...

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M Group Services excels with outstanding 14 RoSPA wins for its ongoing commitment to health, safety, and wellbeing.

The long-term commitment of M Group Services and its operating businesses to the highest standards...

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Chris Harris qualifies as a Chartered Engineer

Chris Harris has become a Chartered Engineer (CEng), one of the most recognised international engineering...

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New Framework Lead named by Morrison Water Services in Scotland

The leading service provider in the water and wastewater sectors, has promoted from within to...

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Morrison Water Services shortlisted for five Water Industry Association Awards

Morrison Water Services is delighted to have been shortlisted for a number of prestigious Water...

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Morrison Water Services wins innovation award!

We are delighted to announce that we have won the South East Innovation Award at...

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Morrison Water Services supporting Yorkshire-based children’s hospice

Morrison Water Services’ Yorkshire team is pleased to announce that it has launched a partnership...

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Morrison Water Services supporting Martin House Children’s Hospice

Morrison Water Services’ team on its Yorkshire Water contract recently presented a cheque for the...

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Morrison Water Services’ use of AVUS recognised at NCE TechFest Awards

New Civil Engineer's TechFest Awards are a unique forum to discover innovative ideas from across the...

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A Science Lesson from Morrison Water Services’ STEM Ambassador

Annette Ley, Quality & Compliance Manager at Morrison Water Services, recently took some time to...

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MGJV Supporting The Construction Of Wheelchair Friendly Pathways In Local Community Garden.

Alongside their project in Chilmington Green, MGJV have been supporting the construction of important pathways in The Limes...

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Star of the Month

November’s Star of the Month award goes to Matthew Poole, a Senior Site Manager on...

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Morrison Water Services’ Anthony Binns has been chosen to be the face of RNLI’s Christmas appeal.

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) is a charity registered in England and Wales that...

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Morrison Water Services using digital technology to liaise with local communities

The Virtual Community Hub App is a digital platform on which residents can learn about...

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Cath & Jill's stories

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this month people all...

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Northumbrian Water Appoints Morrison Water Services for Water and Wastewater Capital Delivery Frameworks

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services, has been awarded two long-term framework...

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Morrison Water Services secures six year MEICA framework with Scottish Water

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services, has been appointed by Scottish Water...

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Morrison Water Services and Collaborate to Create Innovative Traffic Management Platform

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services, is revolutionising the management of its...

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Morrison Water Services formed to create enhanced delivery

M Group Services (‘the Group’), a leading provider of services to essential infrastructure markets in...

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Thames Water Appoints Morrison Water Services for South London and Thames Valley AMP7 Infrastructure Capital Programme

Morrison Water Services has been awarded two major geographic Lots to deliver water and wastewater...

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Morrison Water Services Extends Relationship with Yorkshire Water Following Clean Water Network Repair & Maintenance Framework Award

  Morrison Water Services, the UK’s largest dedicated utility service provider and part of M Group...

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Morrison Water Services Trials Ground-Breaking Augmented Reality Excavation Technology with Water Clients

Morrison Water Services (MWS), a part of M Group Services, is partnering with Eurovia UK...

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Morrison Water Services ex-forces programme wins water industry skills & workforce initiative of the year award

Morrison Water Services has won the Skills & Workforce Initiative of the Year Award at...

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Agility Alliance Secures Five-Year Contract Extension as Part of Thames Water Infrastructure Alliance

Agility Alliance, an equal share joint venture between Morrison Water Services and J Murphy &...

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Morrison Water Services Awarded 5-Year Minor Civils Framework Contract by Yorkshire Water

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services, is set to extend its long-term...

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For Us

At Morrison Water Services, our people are our most important asset. In return for their skills, experience, commitment and loyalty, we create environments which enable our people to flourish and grow as individuals in their chosen fields, as well as a variety of rewards and benefits.

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